Omarov Salyk (date of birth unknown – 1941)

Omarov Salyk (date of birth unknown, died in 1941) is public and statesman of the Western government of Alash Orda. He was born in the aul Zhetikol in the Zhympityn district of the Ural region. He is a great-grandson of Syrym Datov. In 1917 he took part in the 1st Kazakh Congress of the Ural Region. At this congress he was elected a member from the regional committee of the Ural Kazakhs. As member of the new government, he studied problems of land. He was a participant of the IV-th Kazakh Congress in Zhympity. After the collapse of the western government of Alash Orda he was arrested. On April 18, 1920, a sentence of imprisonment for a period of five years he was passed. Later he was actively involved in the development of the national economy of the country. In 1928, a deportation action began in the Urals District and S. Omarov was exiled to Semirechye. In 1937, after the Semirechensk exile, he was transferred for ten years to Chelyabinsk, where he died in 1941.