Koshke Kemengerov
The first wife of Koshke Kemengerov – Zura Mukhamedzhanovna
The first wife of Koshke Kemengerov is Zura Mukhamedzhanovna. On March in 1924 Zura Mukhamedzhanovna died in childbirth.
The second wife of Koshke Kemengerov – Gulsum Zhamievna (1904-1988)
The second wife of Koshke Kemengerov Gulsum Zhamievna was born in 1904. She belonged to the Omsk intelligentsia. In 1925 she got married to Koshke Kemengerov and gave a birth three children: Zaira (1926-2011), Narmanbet (1927-2008), Saule (1928-1993).
In 1930 Koshke Kemengerov was arrested. His family stayed to live with stigma “relatives of people’s enemy”. Even close people refused to help them, fearing that they will be taken into account. “The husband was arrested, she was a wife of people’s enemy and they afraid of even let into house. And only her cousin showed mercy and let to live in his home. And he said: my head is not more expensive than Koshke’s head, so that I will help you and he really helped her”, – granddaughter remembers.
Koshke Kemengerov was repressed and shouted on November in 1937. The writer’s wife, who remained with small children in her arms, had the fate of raising children alone. Getting reference about rehabilitation of her husband courageous woman at the beginning of 60s years goes to Alma-Ata. A copy of this reference of the Military Tribunal of the Siberian Military District keeps in Pavlodar museum of literature and art named after Bukhar zhyrau, “Novosibirsk city, on August 1957: The case was dismissed for lack of corpus delicti … K. Kemengerov was rehabilitated posthumously …”. Behind these official words was the life and death of a loved one who died in the prime of creative powers. K. Kemengerov’s wife begins a huge work to return the good name of Koshmukhamed, to publish his surviving works. Several years of walking around the bureaucratic offices were crowned with success. And in 1965, a collection of ten thousand copies of Koshke “The Golden Ring” was published.
Gulsum did not live to see the nationwide recognition of her husband’s merits, she died in 1988. Descendants of K.Kemengerov – children and grandchildren the 100th anniversary of the writer published a book “Selected” at their own expense. All of them grew up as people worthy of his name, having inherited the uncommonness and inquisitiveness of the mind of Koshmukhamed Kemengerov, one of the “irreconcilable” sons of his people.
The daughter of Koshke Kemengerov – Zaira (1926-2011)
Zaira is eldest daughter of Koshke Kemengerov, was born in Karzhas village of Adesskyi(Odessk) district of Omsk region.
Zaira was one of the first Kazakh girls, getting higher education, having finished Omsk Pedagogical Institute in specialty “Russian language and literature in national school”. She taught Russian language and literature in specialized school, where she studied herself. In 50-s years scientists such as corresponding member of NAS of RK S.Isaev, d.f.s., professor K.Esenova, d.h.s., professor A.Kudaibergenov learnt in this educational establishment from Zaira Koshmukhambetovna. All her life she worked as teacher of Russian language and literature in Kazakh school named after Krupskaya in Uzun-Agach village of Zhambul district of Alma-Ata region.
Zaira Koshmukhambetovna’s handwritten notebook contains poems about the fate of their dynasty. In 2006 the collection of poems “Brook of dream” was published. Zayra’s husband is Shaikhmanov Sultanbek, children: Saule, Gulmira, Raushan, Karlygash, Dariga. At the moment, their descendants live in the Almaty region and the city of Almaty.
The son of Koshke Kemengerov – Narmanbet (1927-2009)
Narmanbet is the only son of Koshke Kemengerov. He entered in Kazakh Pedagogical school high school in Omsk into philological faculty, and then historical faculty of Omsk Pedagogical Institution named after M.Gorkyi. Narmanbet worked in Tomarsk high school in Omsk region, he taught 53 years. For this time he worked as a head of school and became famous educator. Narmanbet Koshmukhambetuly was elected a delegate three times on “World Congress of Kazakh” and presented Omsk region on collegiate meetings. Thousand pupils got a knowledge from this wonderful educator, among them such famous state and public figures as B.Tursynbayev, Zh.Karibzhanov, S.Alibayev. In 1996 international conference was organized in Omsk State Scientific Library named after A.Pushkin dedicated to the 100s anniversary of K.Kemengerov. Poems of Narmanbet Koshmukhameduly were published in regional and republican newspapers. Narmanbet with his wife brought up two daughters Gulnar and Karshyga and a son Rizabek.
The daughter of Koshke Kemengerov – Saule (1928-1993)
Saule is younger daughter of Koshke Kemengerov. Her husband is Riza. Children are Kamariya, Nyuranya, Romin. Saule worked for a long time in Omsk region as a doctor.
The grandson of Koshke Kemengerov – Rizabek
The son of Narmanbet Rizabek Kemengerov formed an ensemble of family instruments in Omsk region. This collective is a double winner of the All-Union Festival of Folk Art. He worked in higher education institutions in Kokshetau and Nursultan cities. Today Rizabek Narmanbetuly is retired, but continued to work as an educator. Rizabek has three sons and two daughters: Kaiyrbek, Beibit, Maksat, Ainur, Aigul.
The great-grandson of Koshke Kemengerov – Kaiyrbek Rizabekuly Kemengerov (1977)
Kaiyrbek Rizabekuly Kemengerov was born in Zhanan village Sherbakty district of Omsk region.
He finished Tomar secondary school (in 1994), faculty of Kazakh philology of Almaty State University named after Abai (in 1998) in specialty “Kazakh language and literature”.
He began his career as a trainee-applicant at the Department of Kazakh Literature of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (1998-2000). At the same time he worked in the funds of the Omsk Regional State Archives of Russia, the Omsk State Library named after A.S.Pushkin, the Omsk Museum of Local Lore and the Central State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences, collected documents and data on the Alash movement, Alash figures, materials for dissertations.
Scientific and educational articles about such figures of Alash as A.Bukeikhanov, A.Baitursynov, M.Dulatov, A.Turlybaev, O.Alzhanov, Zh.Akpaev, Zh.Aimauytov, M.Zhumabaev, S.Seifullin, K.Kemengerov, M.Auezov, S.Saduakasov, B.Aibasov, K.Togambaev. He worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, assistant to the rector, adviser to the rector at the Kokshetau State University named after Ch. Valikhanov (2001-2010). He developed and read the educational-methodical complex of the discipline “Literature of the Alash Epoch” for the students of the Faculty of Philology. He was a researcher, head of the science department of the International Turkic Academy (2011-2014). Since July 2014 he was research fellow at the Alash Institute of Culture and Spiritual Development of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Literature.
Currently he is associate professor of the Department of Kazakh Literature of L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
In 2016 he was registered as a candidate for deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the “Ak Zhol” Democratic Party.
Main works of Kairbek Rizabekuly:
- The amanat (order) of grandfather. – Alma-Ata. – Zhazushy. – 2002. – p.68;
- Kazakhs who studied in Omsk (researches and articles about Alash figures). Kyzylzhar. – 2007. –218;
- The literature of Alash epoch (tutorial). – Kokshetau. – 2008. – p.80;
- Olzhabai Nuralyuly. Monograph. Kyzylzhar. – 2010. – p. 200;
- Akmola region. Encyclopedia: Kazakh encyclopedia. – Almaty. – 2009. – p. 510 (ed. collegium, compiler, author of abstracts);
- Turkic world. International almanac. Astana: Foliant. 2012. – p. 524 (executive editor K.Bober);
- The world of Alikhan. Pointer, articles. Almaty: 2016. – p.228;
- Alash movement: student handbook. – Almaty: 2017;
- Alikhan Bukeikhan. Encyclopedia / Chief Editor Zh.Toibayeva. (Almaty: Kazakh encyclopedia, 2018. – p. 784;
- Tatar-Kazakh literary interactions and creativity of Magzhan Zhumabaev. Compilers A.M.Zakiryanov, K.R. Kemenger. Kazan, DAIL named after G.Ibragimov, – 2018. – p.124;
- Values of “Mangilik El” and Alash’s idea. Tutorial. – Nur-Sultan: Foliant, 2019. – p.380;
- Ak zhol (newspaper). Multivolume. Compilers Kh.Yessenkarayevna. (Edited by volumes 16-20, 24, 25): – Nur-Sultan: public fund “Alashorda”, 2020.
- Succession of Abai and Alash: historical-philosophical, literary-linguistic aspect. Collective monograph. – Nur-Sultan: typography of ENU named after L.N.Gumilyev, 2020. – p.320.
- Rukhani Zhangyru (spiritual revival): the idea Alash and statehood. Collective monograph. – Nur-Sultan: Foliant, 2020. – p.320
- Historical, literary and cultural aspects of the ideas of “Rukhani zhangyru” and Alash. Collective collection (monograph). Nur-Sultan, 2020. – p. 320.
1. Zhurtbai T. My pain, my pride is Alash!. – Astana: Audarma, 2016. –p.1104
Internet resources
1. Gulzhakhan Orda. Joys and hardships of Koshke’s family. Electronic resource. – Access point: https://abai.kz/post/15768
2. A descendant of the Alash Orda leader moved from Russia to Kazakhstan and calls for others. https://rus.azattyq.org/a/kayrbek_kemenger_from_omsk/1882288.html
3. Great-granddaughter Koshke Kemengeruly spoke about the feat of her grandmother Gulsum. https://sputnik.kz/society/20190531/10331694/Repressia-Qoshke-Kemengeruly-Gulsim-Jamiqyzy.html