Khalel Dosmukhameduly
Sagira Dosmukhamedova
In 1909, in his last year at the Military Medical Academy of St. Petersburg, Khalel came to marry Sagira, the eldest daughter of Zhumagali, a Kazakh woman from the Zhympit region on vacation. Sagira was an educated and intelligent woman who graduated from a village school. For Khalel Dosmukhamedov, she became the most reliable spiritual support. She felt all the difficulties of fate with Khalel Dosmukhamedov. Sagira had five brothers and sisters. Brothers Kaby, Sagi, Kurman and sisters Zhumaziya and Balzia. Sagi and Kurman died on the war of 1914. Sagira’s relatives moved to the Tuztyubinsky district of the Orenburg region in the 1940s. Next generations of her relatives still live in Russia.
Khalel and Sagira had seven children. The eldest child Urkiya died early. Azimzhan was born in Tashkent in 1920. He fell ill and died at the age of 7-8. Five children of Sagira and Khalel Dosmukhamedov: Rabiga, Adilkhan, Saule, Karashash and Tole have survived. All of them received higher education and made a significant contribution to the development of the country. 13 generations of the dynasty followed in the footsteps of their ancestors and became doctors. All children are talented, they studied well.
Eldest daughter Rabiga(1909-1995)
When Halel graduated from the academy, Rabiga was born in Taisoigan in 1909. She died surrounded by their children at the age of 83 in Almaty in 1995. Rabiga was an example for her brothers and sisters. From an early age she grew up as a very smart, talented and energetic girl. Father Khalel Dosmukhametov loved his eldest daughter very much, was proud by her and set her up as an example to other children. Like her father, she dreamed of becoming a doctor. There was no special medical school in Almaty, and she entered the biological faculty of Kazakh Pedagogical Institute.
In 1930, Rabiga married Ergazy Abdrakhimov. He was the best student of the physics department of Kazakh Pedagogical Institute. Ergazy devoted his whole life to teaching. Their eldest son is Bolat Ergazy. Bolat Ergazievich Abdrakhimov followed in the footsteps of his grandfather and graduated from the Almaty State Medical Institute. He is a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor. In 1934 a daughter Dina was born. She graduated with honors from the Russian department of the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University in 1957. She is now the President of the Foundation of Khalel Dosmukhameduly.
The third daughter Rimma, was born in 1938. In 1966, after graduating with honors from the Almaty Medical Institute, she began her career as a department doctor in the Kokshetau region, then moved to Karaganda. In Karaganda she became the chief gynecologist of the city. She taught at the Karaganda Medical Institute. The fourth daughter of Rabiga, Assia was born in 1950. She graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy named after G.V. Plekhanov.
Son Adilkhan
Adilkhan was born in 1912. He studied at secondary school N 14 in Almaty. He successfully completed his training. Adilkhan could not continue his studies and worked in the Union of Fishermen because his father was under the investigation in the thirties. Only in 1932, he with his father moved to Voronezh. In this city he entered the medical institute. However, in 1937, mass persecutions resumed in the Soviet Union and Adilkhan was in the “Black list” and was exiled.
At the beginning of World War II, Adilkhan went to the front of his own free will. He was on the front lines as a doctor, was badly wounded and was in the hospital for several months. Adilkhan returned from the war with serious injuries and entered the Almaty Medical Institute. He graduated the Almaty Medical Institute in 1947. For many years he worked at the Kyzylorda leprological hospital. Adilkhan survived many tragedies and died in 1997. His wife Rashida died in 1993. Their only son, Marat, born in 1952. He is a businessman. He and his wife Galiya have a little daughter Gulnaz, who lives in Almaty.
Daughter Saule
Khalel Dosmukhamedov’s third child Saule was born in 1916. She completed a preparatory course in Voronezh in 1935. She entered the Faculty of Biology of the State University named after V.I. Budyonny. As the daughter of an enemy of the people, Saule was also expelled the following year. In January 1938, she married Tleuzhan Aliyev. He was a graduate of the Voronezh Zoological Institute. Saule and Tleuzhan moved to the Zhympitinsky district of the Ural region in 1939. Working in the Ural region, she helped her relatives. They had eight children.
Son Karashash
In November 1923 their son Karashash was born. His parents affectionately named him Taizhan. When his father Khalel was arrested in Voronezh, his son Karashash was a 15-year-old boy. He entered the Pedagogical Institute and graduated in 1943. He worked as a teacher at the Buldyrtinsky secondary school of Zhympitinsky district of the Ural region. In 1944 he entered the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute. He lived with his mother Sagira, brother Tole at the intersection of Kommunarov and Chaikovskogo streets in the teacher’s hostel.
Then he was sent to Turkestan, where he worked for six years. The staff of the pedagogical school unanimously accepted, respected and honored the hardworking, educated and fair, honest, straightforward teacher. In 1956 Karashash went to rest to Almaty, he met Shamgali. Shamgali is the father of the now famous scientist Shor Sarybaev. Shamgali aksakal has long been connected with the Dosmukhamedovs. Thanks to the support of friends and relatives of his father, Karashash wrote an application on behalf of his mother Sagira to the Prosecutor General’s Office. Khalel Dosmukhamedov’s name was rehabilitated in 1958. The family of Khalel Dosmukhamedov returned to Almaty in 1958. Khalel’s wife Sagira was given an apartment and a pension. In 1958, in the 10th issue of the magazine “Health of Kazakhstan”, article “Dosmukhamedov Kh.D.-doctor and scientist ” by Mamaev was published. However, this joy did not last long, and the name of the scientist and the publication of his scientific works were prohibited. After returning to Almaty, Karashash Khalelovich worked as deputy editor of the journal of the “Society of the Blind”, and then as a researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences. He was a candidate of philology. He died in Almaty.
Son Tole
The youngest son of Khalel Dosmukhamedov Tole was born in Almaty on December 12, 1929. In 1955 he graduated from the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Biology of the Kazakh State University. After university, he got a job at the Institute of Soil Science of the Academy of Sciences, where he worked for the rest of his life. He was a candidate of science in Agriculture, died from heart disease in 1985. His wife Rosa is a teacher. Their only son graduated from the Azamat Medical Institute. Tole died suddenly in 1995.
This is the biography of the descendants of Khalel Dosmukhamedov and Sagira.
- Kulkenov M..- Descendants of Khalel Dosmukhamedov.-//Bulletin of KazNMU.- 2013.- N 3 (1).-С.13-16
- Ozganbai O. Road to the future. Almaty: Nurly Alem, 2006