Omarov Yeldes (1892 – 1937)
Omarov Yeldes was born on March 1, 1892 in the former aul №2 of Kostanay district of Dambara parish of Torgay region, died on November 2, 1937. He is a public figure, educator, and publicist. He graduated from a two-year Russian-Kazakh school in Kostanay in 1907, a Russian-Kazakh teacher’s school in Orenburg in 1911. Omarov Yeldes participated in the creation of the Alash Orda government. He worked as an assistant to the Torgay district commissar of the Provisional Government, chairman of the Torgay regional civil committee. He is a participant of the 1st and the 2nd All-Kazakh Congress. He was deputy chairman of Torgay regional zemstvo. In 1920-1922 he was an instructor of the People’s Commissariat of Education in Orenburg, a teacher of the Soviet party school. In 1922-1926 he was an employee of the academic center of the Kazakh People’s Commissariat for Education, in the same years he was a teacher of the Kazakh (Kyrgyz) Institute of Public Education (KIPE). In 1926-1929 he worked at the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute, as well as at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Central Asian State University.
At the end of 1929 he was arrested, in April 1930, sentenced to death, which was replaced by a 10-year exile to Arkhangelsk. In 1933 he was rehabilitated. In 1934-1935 he taught Kazakh at the Kazakh State Medical Institute. In 1935-1937 he worked as an assistant professor at the Kazakh language department at KazSU (now KazNU named after Al-Farabi). He was an author of articles on social policy, education and linguistics, textbooks on physics and geometry in the Kazakh language, textbooks on the grammar of the Russian language for Kazakh schools; made a great contribution to the formation of the thesaurus of mathematical terms.