Orazayuly Akhmet (1861-1927)
Akhmet Orazayuly is a public figure, a participant of the national movement Alash, a well-known patron of art. He was born in 1861 in the Syrdariya district in the Zinketer village. He educated in the city of Bukhara. Returning to the country, he funded the construction of madrasah and mosques in Central Kazakhstan. He took an active part in raising the level of education of the Kazakh people. In 1910 he became acquainted with the figures of the movement “Alash” A. Bukeikhanov, M. Dulatov, A. Baitursynov. A. Orazayuly, being a supporter of the Alash movement, invested heavily in the publishing of newspapers. Together with A.Baitursynov he sent a letter to the Governor-General of Orenburg with a request for permission to publish the newspaper “Kazakh”. On January 5, 1913 a decree governing the supreme tsarist government on the opening of the publishing house issued. The newspaper published decrees, the results of the work of the State Duma, the state of agriculture, education, articles on the Kazakh way of life and culture. The newspaper often published articles and opinions of A.Orazayuly. In 1917-1918 he was a member of the Alash party. He died in 1927 in Telikol.