Nazir Torekulov

Nazir’s father, Torekul, was an educated man. He knew Russian and he was engaged in law and cotton trade. Torekul had three children: the eldest son Nazir, on whom he placed his hopes, the second son Abdikadyr and daughter Fatima. From a young age  Nazir showed extraordinary abilities. The father paid special attention to his son’s education in Russian. According to eyewitnesses who knew Nazir well, he knew eight languages. Since his mother was Tajik, because Persian was for  Nazir as second native language. He spoke in Russian, Turkish,  French and German fluently.

 Nazir Torekulov had two wives. His first wife was Mariam Nigmatullina, a Tatar, and he had a daughter, Anel, in this marriage. One photo of the father and daughter has been preserved. However, this marriage would be short-lived and a few years later, before leaving for Saudi Arabia, he married  another woman, Nina Levashova. It is known that Nina Torekulova, a gynecologist by profession, treated the mother of the crown prince.

Nazir Torekulov died in the Lubyanka prison in Moscow. His daughter, Anel, grew up after a heavy blow of fate. After her father’s death young Anel was still able to fight for the fate of her life. Having received a higher education, she led an intense activity. In Moscow, at a secret plant, she worked from a lab assistant to a chief engineer at the Institute of Aviation Materials. She was a person who is not ashamed to be the daughter of an enemy of the people. Anel always remembered her father’s stories about Turkestan and Kanduz.

Anel was a very happy when Kazakhstan became an independent country and a self-governing state. In the mid-1990s, a resident of Turkestan, Ibrai Gadzhi Ismailov, heard about the existence of Nazir’s daughter, Anel, and began looking for her. She lived in Moscow. After  meeting , they developed a warm relationship. Ibrai Gadzhi told Anel impressive stories about her father and gave extensive information about Turkestan. Anel learned  that in Turkestan there is a Nazir Torekulov school named after his father.

Anel Nazirovna maintained contact with the school staff until the end of her life. The Nazir Torekulov Museum, the first Kazakh diplomat in Turkestan, contains letters from his daughter Anel, who was in close contact with the school staff. People who come to the museum will be very impressed when they see and read Anel’s last melancholy letter dedicated to the school staff at the exhibition.

Nazir Torekulov passed on his love for his homeland to his daughter. Anel Nazirovna expressed a desire to come to Kazakhstan and visit the Kandoz area near the city of Turkestan, where her father was born. Unfortunately, Anel’s desire was not destined to come true. The daughter of Nazir Torekulov, the first Kazakh diplomat, died on February 22, 2003, in Moscow. In accordance with the testament, Anel Nazirovna Torekulova was buried according to Muslim custom in her father’s homeland – in Turkestan.

The current generation of Kazakhstani diplomats consider Nazir Torekulov their teacher and are rightfully proud of his name. His life was an example of selfless service to the interests of his people, a model of courage, heroism and honesty.

Nazir Torekulov’s younger brother, Kadir, worked as a cotton farm manager in Uzbekistan. He was exiled after his brother was taken away. He came to Keles for a short time and hid. Then he returned to Uzbekistan. Kadir, probably was from Torekulov’s second wife. There is a generation of Kadir. Kadir’s daughter, Saida Torekulov, is buried in Kokand. Used literature


Torekulov N.// Star family– 2016. – №11. – Б.19-23